Determination of the maximum suction height of the pumping unit (using the example of the pumping station in Dvin)

Determination of the maximum suction height of the pumping unit (using the example of the pumping station in Dvin)


  • Davit Madoyan Institute of Water Problems and Hydro-Engineering After Academician I.V. Yeghiazarov, Yerevan, Armenia


საკვანძო სიტყვები:

channel, water movement, maximum suction height, pumping unit


The Dvin pumping station is designed for subsidized supply of up to 180 liters/s from Artashat Canal to Dvin Canal for the purpose of irrigation of lands under the Dvin Canal.

The water supply from the channel to the receiving pool is carried out in a non-pressurized mode of movement through a concreted channel of rectangular cross-section of short length, the bottom of which is above the water level in the channel at a minimum depth of flow. The receiving pool communicates with the canal through a short pipe. Here the problem arises of determining the height of the maximum suction of the pumping unit. In this paper, it is solved using modern methods of mathematical measurements, which can be an exa



ავტორის ბიოგრაფია

Davit Madoyan, Institute of Water Problems and Hydro-Engineering After Academician I.V. Yeghiazarov, Yerevan, Armenia



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