Diagnostics of technical state of historical-cultural monuments structures by combining instrumental and numerical methods

Diagnostics of technical state of historical-cultural monuments structures by combining instrumental and numerical methods





monument, instrumental examination, model, diagnostics


In the work is developed the diagnosis of the technical state of the historical and cultural monuments structures by combining of instrumental and numerical calculation methods that is carried out on the basis of laboratory, non-destructive control methods and the creation of design models (functional or imitative) at conducting numerical experiments. The methodology of the complex approach to solving the problems related to the maintenance of resource, safety, durability and strength of the monument structure are also stated. The presented methodology envisages the creation of an automated complex in order to periodically check the technical state of the monument. The analysis of the obtained data provides the basis for the evaluation of the technical state of the monument that provides for the collecting of the structural solution of various reinforcements in a unified base. If necessary, an appropriate amplification scheme should be selected. Finally, we will obtain an assessment of the technical state of historical-cultural monuments, by combining instrumental and numerical methods. All this will give us a noticeable technical and economic effect.


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How to Cite

Tsikarishvili, M., Kipiani, G., Tabatadze, N., Abashidze, V., & Dolidze, G. (2023). Diagnostics of technical state of historical-cultural monuments structures by combining instrumental and numerical methods. Scientific-Technical Journal "BUILDING", (4(68), 4–9. https://doi.org/10.52340/building.2023.68.04.01


