For the Genesis of Toponym “Gulebi”
Keda, toponym, legend, history, “Gulebi”, etymology, folkloreAbstract
The paper discusses the materials kept in the archival fund, the analysis of the materials obtained by researchers and us over the years. We are talking about the legends preserved in Adjara, the genesis of which is revealed in the etymology of toponyms. The fact that etymological studies of similar content often lead to folklore-historical sources is also worth noting.
The historical reality of Adjara, the episodes of the struggle against the Ottoman aggression as well as the peculiarities that have existed in this part of Georgia for centuries are preserved in the legends and narrations of Adjara. Our research topic is the genealogy of one village, toponym "Gulebi", the history of which is one of the important historical chapters in the folklore of Adjara.
Thus, based on the existing and found materials, it can be assumed that in this village there is a strategic building of secular or religious residents, the ruins of which are subject to basic historical research.
This material is not studied properly. We think that it will be the subject of great interest for researchers to familiarize with it.
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