Emotional-Expressive Lexis in Addressing and in Georgian Speech Etiquette

Emotional-Expressive Lexis in Addressing and in Georgian Speech Etiquette





Georgian Language, Speech Etiquette, Address, Emotional-Expressive Lexis


Address terms within the familiar, close friendly relations are the unavoidable part of the speech; such phrases are determined by the existing interrelations and by the expressive nature of the dialogue itself. The examples of using emotional-expressive lexis during non-official communications are discussed in the represented paper, basing on the extracts from the dialogues found in the several pieces of literature; these cases are interesting and important from the viewpoint of the Georgian dialogue language and its peculiarities. Special attention is paid to the examples found in the conversations in which the attitude of the speaker towards the addressee and their emotions are shown through simple but stylistically expressive addressing phrases. Those phrases can show the emotions especially due to using the certain grammatical and lexical means of the language and they represent grammatical-lexical means which bear stylistic colorings.

From the point of view of constructions, we can show out the addressing phrases containing one, two or even more components. In the one-word addressing phrases the diminutive or affectionate forms of anthroponyms, expressive emotional adjectives and the like are used in the function of noun; zoological names are used as metaphors; in the extended appealing the lexical units are marked according their emotional coloring but their right interpretation depends on the right understanding of the communication situation. In order to get the correct meaning, it is absolutely necessary to consider the duality of such phrases or otherwise the positive or negative coloring of the sayings may not coincide with positive (caressing, praising, respect, good wishes) and negative meanings of the sayings (such as threatening, mocking, vulgar speech). The addressing phrases containing expressive lexis showing the above mentioned colorings are considered to be rating, assessing within the familiar communicative situations.

The main conclusions are made through the research work basing on the methods of the descriptive, comparative, and semantical-stylistic analysis.



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How to Cite

Zekalashvili, R. (2023). Emotional-Expressive Lexis in Addressing and in Georgian Speech Etiquette. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 7. https://doi.org/10.52340/idw.2023.27




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