Peculiarities of Translating Russian Polynegative Sentences into Georgian (According to the Stories of Anton Chekhov and Their Translations)

Peculiarities of Translating Russian Polynegative Sentences into Georgian (According to the Stories of Anton Chekhov and Their Translations)


  • Seda Asaturova



translation, reverse construction, polynegative sentence, double rejection, single rejection


Since grammatical rejection construction belongs to one of the linguistic universals, its study is very relevant to us. Russian and Georgian languages ​​are typologically different, in particular in terms of the use of double negation. That is why we addressed the problems related to the translation of Russian polynegative pronouns into Georgian.The aim of our paper is to reveal the peculiarities of translating Russian polynegative sentences into Georgian. Our task was to reveal the peculiarities of conveying polynegativity in Georgian, where initially (from the beginning) only a single rejection was possible. We have selected Anton Chekhov's stories and their Georgian translations as the research material. While working on the topic, we have used the following research methods: scientific literature analysis, contrastive analysis methods, elements of statistical analysis.The analysis of the Georgian translations of the Russian negative verbs revealed that mainly the Russian general negative (complete negation, общеотрицательные) sentences were translated into Georgian through the negative (partial negation -частноотрицательные) sentences. If in Russian the negation belongs to "Deeprichastie", in Georgian this inversion is conveyed through the verb without the particles expressing the negation.


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How to Cite

Asaturova, S. (2021). Peculiarities of Translating Russian Polynegative Sentences into Georgian (According to the Stories of Anton Chekhov and Their Translations). "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 6.




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