Love allusions in Baratashvili's and Byron's lyrics

Love allusions in Baratashvili's and Byron's lyrics


  • Maia Kobiashvili Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University image/svg+xml



comparativist concepts, love allusions, Baratashvili, Byron, lyrics


The paper presents the comparativist concepts of love of Nikoloz Baratashvili and George Gordon Byron. In the comparative analysis of the works of two poets, I will discuss love allusions. The opinions expressed by various researchers are strengthened by the chrestomatous material presented in the work.

      Comparative analyzes serve to bring national culture to the fore, to present human values ​​in the light of world values.

      It concerns the history of international literary relations. The present paper pairs the creative interests of two romanticists, Baratashvili and Byron, as stated in the title, precisely in the context of international values.

     There are so many similarities between Byron and Baratashvili that they cannot be discussed separately. Such paradigms, reminiscences, concepts about love, motherland, death, God, Adam, devil, colors and sounds of the world are the subject of comparativism. Therefore, in conclusion, the West and Georgia are one space in terms of cultural values.

    The novelty of the work is that the attention was focused on the issues of love itself, by the method of comparison it became obvious that the poetic philosophy of Baratashvili and Byron are equal from the point of view of evaluation.

     I think that scientific work should be activated in this direction. Throughout its history, Georgian writing has created a number of values ​​of inescapable importance. Showing them to the world and presenting them in a comparative light is an honorable task of our science.

    This direction or method will serve as a mirror. On the one hand, there is the possibility of self-admiration, enjoying one's own virtues, and on the other hand, the possibility of seeing a flaw.

      The cycle of papers will contribute to the raising of our public awareness and will make the literary processes more healthy.


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How to Cite

Kobiashvili, M. (2023). Love allusions in Baratashvili’s and Byron’s lyrics. "Intercultural Dialogues" Transactions, 7.




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