Issues of the cyclical theory of world history development
This paper explores the development of world history based on the theory of cyclicality. This theory posits that history repeats itself in cycles, with events and patterns recurring over time. We analyze historical evidence from different cultures and time periods to demonstrate the existence of cyclical patterns in history. We also examine how different societies have interpreted and responded to cyclical patterns in their own histories. Our analysis suggests that the theory of cyclicality provides a valuable framework for understanding the evolution of human societies and civilizations over time.
ბიბლია : ძველი აღთქმა, ახალი აღთქმა. თბილისი : პალიტრა L, 2021.
ჰეგელი გ., ლექციები ისტორიის ფილოსოფიაზე, თბ. 2001წ.
კარლ მარქსი და მეცნიერული სოციალიზმი, თბილისი, 1918.
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