Comparative description of Sets fixed through the different channels
Print version was published: PERIODICAL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL “INTELECT” №3(23), 2005
The aim of our research is to compare sets formed on the three different levels: first, it is the set fixed on the sensory unequivalence (in condition of phenomenal equivalence); second, it is the set fixed on the phenomenal unequivalence (in condition of sensory equivalence) and the third, it is the set fixed on both sensory and phenomenal unequivalence. (The set was fixed according to the traditional method adopted in Uznadze Psychological School). In consequence of statistical analysis of our experiments’ we obtained following results: the strength of the set illusion formed on sensory unequivalence and set formed on both sensory and phenomenal unequivalence prevailed over the same index of the set fixed on the phenomenal unequivalence . The research also revealed differences in frequency of set extinction types between the set fixed on the phenomenal unequivalence and two other forms of sets: set fixed on the phenomenal unequivalence has prevailing type of set extinction as the variable set; but the constant type of set extinction mainly charactirize set fixed on the sensory unequivalence as the set fixed on both sensory and phenomenal one. These results prove our hypothesis about predominating of sensory factor in the process of set formatting.
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