Skin infections are widespread diseases. In dermatological practice 30-40% of referral are exactly the infectious diseases of the skin, especially among children and adolescents. Soft drug forms are the leading shapes of the drugs used to treat infectious diseases of the skin. Because of Consistency, plasticity and tiksotropical properties creams are preferred. Pine Essential oils are distinguished with pronounced antibacterial action. Because of this, treatment the composition and preparation technology of a soft drugs shapes - the cream with natural antibacterial action - is one of the actual problem for the contemporary pharmacy and practical medicine. The object of investigation was to determine recipe and preparation technology of the cream with antimicrobial activity.
The experiment revealed that: Essential oil obtained from the needles of Pinus silvestris L. introduced in the Batumi botanical garden, has expressed antibacterial action. Results of Biopharmaceutical and technological investigation are presented by 10 composition of creams, containing essential oil from needles of Pinus silvestris L. Based on investigation of quality indices was selected and established the optimal recipe of cream contains Pinus silvestris L. essential oil: Chirukhi red clay 10.0; Xanthan gum 0,2; Natrii benzoas 0,5; Dimexide 0,5; Essential Oil 10,0; cremophor CO-40 3,0; 100.0 g of water. We presented preparation technology of the cream. We investigated stability of cream in ordinary conditions of storage during 8 months. The cream was stable throughout whole period.
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