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ჭანუყვაძე ი. C. I., არჩვაძე ვ. A. V., ზურაბაშვილი თ. Z. T., ჯანდიერი ქ. J. K., & მგელიაშვილი თ. M. T. (2021). CONNECTION OF BILE DUCTS AND LYMPHATIC SYSTEM IN THE PORTAL CHANNELS. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 50, 130–133. извлечено от


It is known, that in case of cholestasis (congestion of bile), the  bile  fills the liver lymph network  and spreads into the direction of the thoracic lymph duct. This  phenomenon  leads to the temporary decompression of the biliary tree and as a compensatory mechanism serves to the liver cell functioning,  delays occurring of  it  as  biliary cirrhosis. There is a consideration , that  lymphobiliary  connection,  formed in the liver during cholestasis,  appears in the lobule of the organ, in  the sinusoid, especially  in the Disse space borders . Analysis of existing literature has convinced us that the consideration is disputable, since it is not proved  by the actual data and remains as a hypothesis. We have  nominated the alternative hypothesis, that the congested bile reaches the lymphatic system through the exstramural mucous glands of bile ducts, existing in the magis- tral (main) portal complex of the liver .  Abovementioned hypothesis, for turning into  the scien- tific evidence, requires  future investigations, which was planned in the present review article.

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