The article is dedicated to the problem of small bowel perforation, which is a rare condition and in 0,1% of cases is the reason of acute peritonitis. The reasons of perforation are discussed. Among them is pointed possibility of perforation of stress ulcers. Case from clinical practice is presented. Patient male, operated because of diffuse peritonitis due to gangrenous cholecystitis. Relaparotomy required on the 5 postoperative day because of perforation of small bowel stress ulcer. It is concluded, that after operative treatment due to peritonitis, in case of unexplained progression of the disease possibility of small bowel perforation should be considered and treatment tactics should be directed towards relaparotomy.
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5) В.А.Гольбрайх, С.С.Маскин, А.В.Бобырин, А.М.Карсанов, Т.В.Дербенцева, Д.С. Лопастейский, А.Р.Таджиева. http://surgeryzone.net/info/info-hirurgia/os- trye-perforativnye-yazvy-tonkoj-kishki-u-bolnyx-s-raspros- tranennym-gnojnym-peritonitom.html
6) Fennerty M.B. Pathophysiology of the upper gastrointestinal tract in the critically ill patient . Rationale for therapeutic benefits of acid suppression. !39/ Care. Med. 2002; 30: 351 355.
2) Л.Найхус, Дж.Вителло, Р.Конден. http://lor.inventech.ru/diagn/diagnboly-0192.shtml.
4) http://lekmed.ru/info/arhivy/oshibki-v-diagnostike-ilechenii-ostryh-zabolevaniy-i-travm-zhivota-49.html
5) В.А.Гольбрайх, С.С.Маскин, А.В.Бобырин, А.М.Карсанов, Т.В.Дербенцева, Д.С. Лопастейский, А.Р.Таджиева. http://surgeryzone.net/info/info-hirurgia/os- trye-perforativnye-yazvy-tonkoj-kishki-u-bolnyx-s-raspros- tranennym-gnojnym-peritonitom.html
6) Fennerty M.B. Pathophysiology of the upper gastrointestinal tract in the critically ill patient . Rationale for therapeutic benefits of acid suppression. !39/ Care. Med. 2002; 30: 351 355.
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