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Potskhveria, V., Maskhulia, L., Pavliashvili, N., Matiashvili , M., & Akhalkatsi, V. (2023). TREATMENT OF TRAUMATIC SOFTTISSUE INJURIES IN ATHLETES USINGPHYSICAL AGENTS ANDTHERAPEUTIC EXERCISES. Сборник научных трудов ТГМУ, 55, 150–152. извлечено от


Shoulder pain and impaired function are the third mostcommon musculoskeletal problem in primary care (after backand low back pain). The prevalence of shoulder pain is in-creased in individuals who perform overhead movements-activities due to professional activities, such as some typeof sports, in particular volleyball, basketball swimming, ath-letics, tennis and etc. Soft tissue injuries of shoulder are oneof the most common reasons for athletes in the above-men-tioned sports them to be excluded from sport activities.The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness oflaser therapy and interferential current therapy with combi-nation for soft tissues traumatic injuries of the shoulder com-pared with therapeutic exercises for early mobilization.52 young athletes aged 18-30 years old were selected toparticipate in the study. Patients were randomly divided intothree groups and appropriate rehabilitation interventionswere performed. Assessment of shoulder function and theresults of medical rehabilitation measures before and aftertreatment were performed on a scale: Penn Shoulder Score(PSS), Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Score (WORC), Kerlan-Jobe Orthopedic Clinical shoulder and elbow score (KJOC).The fragment of the present study includes the evaluationof patients in the first and third groups, laser therapy andinterferential current therapy with combination (A group)and mono-therapy with therapeutic exercises (C group), eval-uation was done on a PSS scale.Based on the results obtained in the study, the combina-tion of interferential current therapy and laser therapy helpsto improve the athlete’s ability to work, prevent prematurewithdrawal from the sport and simplifies the management ofathletes’ health status


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