The study aimed to assess the correlation between painperception and indices of hostility in females during follicu-lar and luteal phases of ovarian-menstrual cycle (OMC).The sample of this study included volunteer female stu-dents, ages 18 to 23. Ovarian-menstrual cycle of the womenparticipating in the research were evaluated using relevantquestionnaires. Follicular phase was determined as 7-11 daysof OMC , while luteal phase as 18-22 days of the cycle. Thestudy was performed during morning hours, in starvation,10-12 hours after the last meal, in isolated and sound-proofspace. Thermal pain sensitivity was assessed using com-puter-controlled tool Pain & Sensory Evaluation combinedsystem PATHWAY (Medoc, LTD, Ramat Yishai, Israel),usingwhich probands were given hot/cold stimuli; Simultaneous-ly, thermal sensitivity and pain threshold was detected.For assessing psychological (psychophysiological) con-dition of the study probands Buss-Durkee questionnaire wasused.Our findings demonstrated that pain perception by hu-mans, besides the intensity of nociceptive stimuli, dependson psychophysiological and metabolic characteristics. Thefindings correlate with the data from previous studies, par-ticularly to the idea, that negative emotions and differenttypes of assault define individual correlates of pain percep-tion, pain threshold and tolerance to the pain.