How to Cite

Jgarkava, M., Pantsulaia, I., Mamatsashvili, I., Karanadze, N., & Atamashvili, T. (2019). AGE ASSOCIATED INFLAMMATORY M ACRHKAENRGS E(S IIL-N6,TNF- A) AND ADIPOCYTOKINES. Collection of Scientific Works of Tbilisi State Medical University, 51, 142–145.


Leptin and adiponectin are two important adipose tissue derived cytokines. Men and women are different in terms of body composition and fat distribution. Level of adiponectin decreases with excess body fat, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Leptin shows a positive correlation with adiposity. Ageing is associated with increased inflammatory activity in the blood, including increased circulating levels of TNFα  and IL-6. The aim of this study was to determine the serum levels of adipocytokines (adiponectin, leptin) and proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNFα ) in apparently healthy individuals with different age. Subjects: 160 individuals were investigated and divided in groups according age, sex and BMI. Results: Plasma adiponectin level correlated with BMI in older males but not in older females. In young people there was no significant difference between adiponectin level in men and women. Leptin level changed with age and BMI. There was no difference in IL-6 and TNFα levels between men and women, but IL-6 level increased in elder age and IL-6 and TNFα levels significantly elevate in subjects with high BMI.


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