DOI:Ключевые слова:
human liver, segment, fibrous union, porta-cavalАннотация
Fundamental work relies on studying 40 normal human livers. Macro-microscopic morphologic methods have been used to reveal presence of porta-caval fibrotic connections and its characteristics in single hepatic segment. In hepatic segments major branches of portal complexes and hepatic veins in the area of intersection touch each other and give rise to porta-caval fibrotic connections. It has been demonstrated in all livers. In a single organ, number of porta-caval fibrotic connections ranged from 1 to 9, which depended on a density of portal and caval venous branching. Left lobular segments are remarkable for the constant presence of porta-caval fibrotic connections, where there is an abundance of fan-shaped (I segment) and overlying (II and III segments) connection types. In terms of porta-caval fibrotic connections, bile ducts are in contact with wall of hepatic veins and inferior vena cava, which determines high likelihood of extension of inflammatory process of biliary pathways to the caval veins.
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