DOI:Ключевые слова:
cervix, papillomavirus, genital candidiasis, antiviral therapy, immunomodulatory therapy.Аннотация
This paper proves the effectiveness of the treatment of lesions of the cervix with papillomavirus infection in combination with genital candidiasis using a combination of antiviral, immunomodulatory and antifungal drugs.
Objective. To study the effectiveness of complex treatment of women with mild to moderate cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 1, CIN 2) in combination with genital candidiasis.
Subject and methods. 96 women with cervical pathology aged 20-56 years (29±6.7) were examined. All examined women were divided into 2 groups. Cervical screening was performed, including cytological examination of smears, extended colposcopy, targeted biopsy of the affected areas of the cervix, followed by histological examination. PCR with genotyping and the culture method were also used.
Results and conclusion. Based on the experience of applying an integrated approach to the treatment of patients with HPV infection of the cervix and combined forms of HPV with genital candidiasis, including combined therapy with the use of destructive treatment of lesions of papillomatous growths and the use of drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, it can be considered effective and most acceptable at the present time. The use of these drugs reduces the likelihood of HPV persistence and recurrence of the disease.
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