https://doi.org/10.52340/jecm.2022.07.12Ключевые слова:
mental health, physical health, noiseАннотация
Scientific and technical progress gives man unprecedented opportunities, but at the same time he faces problems of no less magnitude. Harmful effects of the environment on public health, after air pollution, noise is on the second place. Noise creates discomfort and has a negative impact on human health. According to the available data, which are based on international studies, the "noise pollution" characteristic of big cities reduces the life expectancy of citizens by 10-12 years. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the population from the harmful effects of noise. Many countries, including Georgia, take various measures to reduce the noise level, which includes legal prohibitions. In medicine, the method of treatment called "sound therapy" is gaining more and more popularity, which have a positive effect on the human body and can be used both for the prevention and treatment of diseases, and for rehabilitation. According to the European Environment Agency data, as a harmful environmental impact on public health, after air pollution, noise is in second place. The study and assessment of the impact of noise on human physical and mental health is the most important issue of health and environmental medicine.
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