The prevalence and intensity of periodontal disease and caries in patients with non-removable orthodontic appliances is so high that the brace system has a much more negative impact on marginal periodontal tissues, oral cavity condition, and mucosal injuries. All this indicates the need to implement complex approaches in the selection of preventive measures, ie: training in rational hygiene and quality control, professional oral hygiene, selection of tools and items for individual oral hygiene, use of Tskaltubo water, in particular by inhalation for 10 minutes, in the morning and in the evening, which can be considered as one of the most important healing measures since the radon in Tskaltubo water is very small in quantity of 1 nk or 37 becquerels. It is a mineralized water - chloride-hydrocarbonate-sulfate-magnesium-calcium-sodium. Water is composed of both macro and micro elements such as: iodine, bromine, magnesium, lithium, zinc, copper. Although the content of these micronutrients in water is very small, their activity increases significantly during inhalation. Due to the content of radon, Tskaltubo water is used quite effectively for analgesic therapy, treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the peripheral nervous system of the oral cavity, as well as in our experiments it is used to treat bacterial or inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Based on our studies, it causes hormesis, resulting in changes in P, KP, PMA indices, which statistically significantly reduces the swelling, cyanosis, hyperemia developed during treatment with the brace system.
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