Fundamental work has been performed to study the structure of connective tissue framework of the biliovascular complex of the human porta hepatis. Macro-microscopic, histological and histotopographic preparations have been prepared from 85 healthy livers of adults.
After branching the porta hepatis blood vessels and the bile ducts into lobar branches in the area of hepatic portal triad, the elements of the portal triad connective tissue sheath appear as a soft framework of united fibrous and loose connective tissue layers: the upper layer is formed from portal lamina, which lines porta hepatis dome. Parabiliary connective tissue and adjacent processes are firmly attached to it. And they appear to be a kind of compartment for mucous bile duct extramural parts. The latter penetrate through the thickness of portal lamina. Portal vein and its bed occupies the lower area of the portal triad; the venous bed septi blend with the para-arterial tissue and the subperitoneal layer of the loose connective tissue. Para-arterial tissue and its processes are located between the bile duct and portal vein beds in the form of lamina, which appears to be the extension of hepatoduodenal ligament.
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