occupational medicine, modern challenges, Labor Medicine Service, GeorgiaAbstract
The current situation in the field of occupational medicine is analyzed both at globally and nationally level. It is recommended by WHO to create a national system of occupational medicine in the member countries of the organization. In modern conditions, the multi-spectrum complex problem of maintaining the health of the labor potential of the state can be solved only within the framework of the national system of labor medicine. Despite the fact, that many documents, conventions, recommendations, directives have been created in the direction of occupational safety and health protection of the employed population, which create an appropriate legal basis for the smooth operation of the system. However, work in this field should be carried out on a larger scale at the national level. A first-class task is the purposeful improvement of the legislation in the direction of labor and health protection and its harmonization with the international legislative and EU requirements within the framework of the modern European neighborhood policy. The priorities of occupational medicine at the modern stage of society's development are determined. Many current challenges facing the structures of the Labor Medicine Service of Georgia require a quick and effective response.
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