‘‘Akhalkalaki Tsertsvela’’ as Reliable Measure of Increase for Food Base of Livestock and Improvement of Soil Fertility


  • Lali Baidauri ლალი ბაიდაური
  • Olga Kharaishvili ოლღა ხარაიშვილი


Akhalkalaki Tsertsvela (Vicia, commonly known as vetches)  is one of the perspective cultures due to its diversity and biological features. The aim of the research was to improve the fertility of the "Akhalkalaki  Tsertsvela" soil and increase the livestock food base. Based on the results of the experiment, it was determined that it should be widely  implemented  in farming as one of the best previous culture and progressive means for increase of the livestock food base, improvement of its quality, intensive use of arable land.


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How to Cite

ლალი ბაიდაური L. B., & ოლღა ხარაიშვილი O. K. (2019). ‘‘Akhalkalaki Tsertsvela’’ as Reliable Measure of Increase for Food Base of Livestock and Improvement of Soil Fertility. Eruditi, (2), 7–11. Retrieved from https://journals.4science.ge/index.php/EDT/article/view/192



Agricultural Sciences